“You are dust and to dust you shall return, repent and believe in the gospel.” Wednesday was my first time kneeling and receiving ashes on my forehead, and I felt an unexpected prickle of tears in my eyes to hear the words of the benediction spoken over me. I felt like staying there, knees to the floor, and letting some of the tears fall freely, but instead got up to make space for the next person who was coming forward to kneel down. I am not given much to thinking about my personal sins and failings. I know that I have them, I just don’t usually give them the space and attention they deserve. You see, I really like thinking that I am Right , and sometimes I am smacked in the face with the deeper repercussions of this mentality. Last November, we were talking to my brother Michael on FaceTime and he asked what the biggest change had been since we got married. Without thinking I blurted out, “I don’t get to be right all the time!” Michael had a long laugh...
Go there, where you see your heart leading you, keeping you from turning into a dry desert of sorrow...