Thankful. People have been using that word a lot this week. As it turns out, this time of year is a good time to look at all the things you have in your life, to count your blessings, to name them all, and then to celebrate. Lately, I've talked a lot about the emptiness that I sometimes feel. I've talked a lot about the open handed, bleeding kind of love. I've talked about my tendency to throw myself pity parties and think " Why is life so hard ?" What has been missing from this narrative are the moments of deep thanks and satisfaction; the full moments, or thankful moments- if you like. The truth is that I usually feel like one really lucky girl. My friendships are the kind that you cross oceans for, the ones who let you cry on their shoulders, and the ones who give you pep talks but also tell it to you like it is. We celebrated friendship and life a few weeks ago when we all passed around Megan's baby. A baby! Our little friend group, our ci...
Go there, where you see your heart leading you, keeping you from turning into a dry desert of sorrow...