Everybody knows about my llama problem right? I love llamas. I take pictures of llamas. I talk about llamas all the time. The hashtag #llamasofinstagram is a real part of my life. I know, I know. It's ridiculous. I think that God speaks to us each in unique ways, which is why He sometimes speaks to me using llama references. Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? I do. In fact, I sometimes spend a significant amount of my day thinking about how hard life can be and wishing that the next thing would hurry up and happen so that I could escape the reality of what is happening right now. Oh, this thinking is flawed in so many ways... And YOU are thinking. Why? Why are we talking about llamas and feeling sorry for yourself. Don't worry the answer is coming. Boom. The other day while I was praying this clip from Disney's The Emperor's New Groove popped into my mind. This is the part of the movie where Cuzco is feeling sorry for himself and sitting the rain s...
Go there, where you see your heart leading you, keeping you from turning into a dry desert of sorrow...